Non toxic india ink
Non toxic india ink

non toxic india ink
  1. Non toxic india ink how to#
  2. Non toxic india ink skin#
non toxic india ink

Non toxic india ink how to#

Hey do any of you know how to remove those unwanted, regrettable "did em when I was drunk" india ink tats?

non toxic india ink

You should always find out risks before doing something you're not sure about. If not you put in another drop of alcohol, until it becomes liquid. You the drop all tha smoke that the cup has into a cap then pour a drop of alcohol in you mix it then you check if the ashes becomed ink. Get someone to burn the touthbruch and that all the smoke goes up and enter the cup. To make some homemade ink you get a piece of touthbruch and then get a cup on top of the touthbruth. I'vedone three with india ink and they all stayed and never faded!! i don't know why they wouldn't stay but mine all stayed. I have about 50% of my body done with india ink and have not had the slightest bit of trouble healing,they look good,unfaded,and some of it is better than the local shop does,keep on scratching. How the hell do you make a tattoo gun out a What is the best method on a homemade tattoo? u can email me or add me to msn because i go on msn by zero though I have no idea where to get propylene glycol. If you can get ahold of sterile dry pigment, mixing it with vodka and a little medical glycerine and prop glycol if you want makes the best homemade ink I've heard.

non toxic india ink

I've heard the ashes mixed with vodka thing before, but i've never tried it. (I'm exaggerating, but you should be okay.)ĭon't use a bic pen though, the ink will be gone in like a month. I hear india ink is poisonous, but at a couple of science sites I looked at it said that jailhouse tattoos have no adverse effects at all, and india ink is really only poisonous if you drink like a gallon. I used india ink for my tattoos, and they're still there. I tatooed my face with undian ink about 2 and a half years ago that hasnt faded,i wish it bloody had though Where can i get india ink? i can't find it anywhere! Whats The Odds IT Will Stay Or at Least Leave A Mark Then The Open End Of The Cartrigde I Put The Safty Pin In And Then Went Back Over The Heart And Scraped It A Lil bit More.Its The Second Day I Have It. Then I Took An Ordinary Ballpoint Pen (Red Ink) And Took The Cartrigde Out. Ink Poisioning Is Suposedly A Myth Right?ĭuring Readin In school i did one its a heart (small).first i took a safty pin (about the size of hte second guitar string) And Carved Out The Heart Until The Shape I wanted On My Left Hand Near My Thumb Okay,Probably No One Will Follow Up To This But I HAve A couple Questions is there anything that i should worry about? i don't wunt my parents 2 know about this at all. a ton of people have been doing it, and nothing has happened 2 any1 that i know of. will i get ink poisoning? i haven't let my parents know about it. he did it a week ago, and its still there. well my friend's cousin scratched out "sk8 4 lyfe" on my right hip and put black pen ink in it. i've heard frum a lot of people that u can get ink poisoning frum regular pen ink. If there is anyone who knows how please e-mail me at thanx Is there any way that u can make a homemade numerous needle gun? All i can make is a single needle gun & it takes longer. I was wondering if anyone knew if it was safe to use computer ink for homemade tattoos I have 2 with pen ink that faded in a couple months and ive had one done with shoe polish that has been there for a few months and dosent seem to be fading MUCH Yer m8t its true about that workin mix the ashed with water till its thick U can make ur own ink by burning a piece of paper and mixing the ashes with a little water

Non toxic india ink skin#

Hey buddy it seems to me that your just not going deep enough, i've had tatts done in india ink and it work well if you go deep enough so that the ink is in your skin not just on it. I dont know why the india ink diddent stay in your skin any knid of pen ink will definatly not stay in your skin and can give you ink posining i have about seven homemade tattoos done myself with the second smallest gituar string tied to a pen or pencil useing india ink and i have had them for 3 years and they havent faded Please email me at if you have the answer. I dont have money to buy ink and i am wondering what I can use that will stay in me permanently. I have used india ink for a prvious homemade tat and i did not get poisoned. Related FAQ: : Tattoo FAQ 9/9-Bibliography

Non toxic india ink